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The Value Andrews Provides. "RapidDecision has greater robustness and near real-time data capture...and it is much less expensive to support and maintain than our previous solution." JohnsonDiversey

JohnsonDiversey quickly recognized the need for a data warehouse to analyze the information held across multiple JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems.

They began development of an in-house solution during which they discovered that the project was going to require many months’ work from several teams of specialists.

Inconsistencies arose between these teams, in areas such as data architecture, data gathering and data cleansing.

Furthermore, because JohnsonDiversey operates in 120 countries, single-byte and double-byte formats had to be accommodated. And since JohnsonDiversey relied on batch transfers of data from their production databases, they often did not have realtime information.

These challenges led JohnsonDiversey to RapidDecision. RapidDecision uses a pre-built data warehouse and data marts, and can deliver a data warehouse within five days, in most cases. JohnsonDiversey found that within weeks, rather than months, they had their first data warehouse and data marts delivering results to their business analysts.

Today, JohnsonDiversey is using Business Objects reporting and analysis tools, which are built on one data warehouse and nine data marts across the JohnsonDiversey worldwide installations.

JohnsonDiversey supplies cleaning products in more than 120 countries.


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